You’re Invited!
Petaluma Fairgrounds Advisory Panel Dignitary Days
July 8th, 2022 • 1:30 – 4:30 pm / July 9th, 2022 • 1:30 – 4:30 pm
The same tour will take place both days. Please choose whatever day is most convenient for you and let us know!
Kenilworth Junior High, 800 Riesling Rd, Petaluma, CA 94954 – Multipurpose Room
Tour the Petaluma Fairgrounds Advisory Panel Process
Are you curious about innovative ways to engage constituents in the decision making process? Has your community faced thorny policy issues that feel impossible to solve? Do you already know about Lottery-Selected Deliberation and want to see it in action? Come check out one of the Petaluma Fairgrounds Dignitary Days.

Come either Friday, July 8th or Saturday, July 9th to watch a new kind of democracy in action: the Petaluma Fairgrounds Advisory Panel. The Advisory Panel is a group of everyday people selected by lottery to weigh in on one of the most divisive issues in the community: the future of the Petaluma Fairgrounds. In total, Panelists will spend over 100 hours in comprehensive deliberation considering the future of the property. On July 11th at 6:30 pm, the Panel will publicly give its recommendations to the Petaluma City Council.
By attending either of the Dignitary Days, you’ll have behind the scenes access to this comprehensive deliberative project through:
- A general introduction to Lottery-Selected Deliberation.
- Observation time to watch the Panelists in action.
- Robust question and answer sessions throughout the day with Healthy Democracy Staff and Panelists.
What are Lottery Selected Panels?
Lottery Selected Panels go by many names: Citizens’ assemblies, civic lotteries, policy juries, review Panels. They all share the same basic tenets: they bring together a representative group of everyday folks to learn from experts and stakeholders, deliberate together, and make policy recommendations to decision makers. Lottery-based deliberative processes have helped address tough policy issues around the world – this is your chance to see why.
For more information on the Dignitary Days, email