Democracy R&D Membership Contribution

Thank you for your membership in Democracy R&D and your support of our international network. Working together, we can do much more to improve our democracies than we can ever do separately.

Healthy Democracy, a DR&D member, has volunteered to collect and manage membership contributions on behalf of DR&D.

If you have any trouble with this page, please email Healthy Democracy at and Democracy R&D coordinator David Schecter at


Membership Levels

Suggested contributions include a 3% processing fee (applicable to both credit card and PayPal donations).




US $51.50 to $103

“Small” Organisation
(turnover less than US$250,000 per year)

US $206

“Medium” Organisation
(turnover between US$250,000 and $1m per year)

US $1,030
Or 1/1000th of turnover, plus 3% to cover processing fees

“Large” Organisation
(turnover more than US$1m per year)

1/1000th of relevant turnover,* plus 3% to cover processing fees

* "relevant turnover" is the part devoted to democracy work, with each organisation choosing their own definition of “democracy work”


Credit Card Contribution

To contribute by credit card, enter an amount in US Dollars in the form below.

Total Amount
On Behalf Of Organization
Other Details

PayPal Contribution

Alternatively, if you prefer to contribute using PayPal, please click here: