Capacity Building
Our Capacity Building is tailored to meet the needs of your organization and level up your ability to conduct Civic Assemblies and people-powered decision-making.
Meets your organization where it is – from high-level intros to in-depth expertise on Civic Assemblies
Provide light-weight, low-risk resources to energize, inspire, and mobilize effective engagement methods and models
Learn from the best in the industry on the latest methodologies and processes
Civic Assembly Introduction
We’ll partner with you to tailor high-level or in-depth learning programs about Civic Assemblies, a proven game-changing model that puts people at the center of public decision-making.
Whether you’re looking for a single presentation, a six-week course, or a two-day intensive workshop, we can adapt our curricula and give you the highest level of training to help your organization, class, or colleagues take the next step on their journey towards a better future.
Civic Assembly Workshops for Advocates
Build out your tool set, hone advocacy strategies, and boost team confidence in engaging with local governments and elected officials on adopting a civic assembly model to redefine engagement and catalyze people-centered decision-making.
• Best practices for approaching elected officials and staff
• New contact strategic lines of questioning for evaluating quality leads
• Language to use and avoid
• Frequently asked questions and their ideal responses
• Responding to common criticisms
• Developing a contact journey from the first touch to program launch
• A video library of civic assembly explainer videos, documentaries, and testimonials
• Best-in-class research and reports for introducing civic assemblies to novice audiences
• Informational packet on civic assembly process types, their associated costs, and advantages and disadvantages.
Civic Assembly Workshops for Public Administrators
Let us and our international network of partner organizations help you draft a Civic Assembly plan with the following considerations:
• Preliminary demographic targets and the necessary data for accurate and inclusive representation
• Assembly size, assembly duration, key deliverables, and potential equity adjustments
• Best practices for selecting a policy topic for deliberation and drafting a framing question
• Garnering political support to convene a Civic Assembly
• Planning for stakeholder engagement
• Next steps for CA plan implementation
Civic Education
Inspire civic engagement and public service by teaching students how Civic Assemblies allow people to engage in their democracy in a new, more inclusive, and collaborative way. Partner with us to embed the following lessons in your civic education curricula:
• The history, theoretical basis, and potential of Civic Assemblies
• Civic Assembly Process design and coordination techniques
• Deliberative Moderation techniques