What Is a Lottery-Selected Panel?

This is a different kind of democratic process. A Lottery-Selected Panel brings together a group of everyday people to examine an important public issue. These are residents just like you, who are randomly selected but also reflective of the general public, in terms of age, gender, location, race, and other factors. They’re like a city in one room. These Panels are professionally facilitated and follow a structured process to ensure fairness and productivity. They are designed to reduce the influence of political bias and instead put the focus on collaborative problem solving and evidence. Academic research has shown that they handle complex policy questions effectively and fairly.

What ​​are the principles that guide these processes?

What is lottery selection and how are Panelists selected?

What are the benefits of lottery-selected deliberation?

How do these processes strive and even guarantee equality?

How can these processes push toward equity?

How does Healthy Democracy ensure that the Process is inclusive of all perspectives?

What is deliberation?


Where else is this being used?

Why can’t anyone decide to participate in the Panel?

How is this different from a typical community advisory committee?

Can everyday people really make quality decisions about technical policy questions?

Why are we having the Petaluma Fairgrounds Advisory Panel in-person?

What are the 15 additional hours scheduled for the Petaluma Fairgrounds Advisory Panel and how will they be used?