
Behind the Scenes at HD

Since you haven’t heard from us much lately, we thought we’d share a glimpse of what’s inspiring and delighting us behind the scenes at HD. (Against the backdrop of a long winter in Oregon, we could all use some inspiration!). Between major projects, our amazing little team is still working towards our mission every single

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What if the People Governed? How Citizens’ Assemblies Can Restore Trust in LA City Government

This introduction to citizens’ assemblies and how they can empower breakthroughs in local democracy was co-hosted by the Berggruen Institute, Healthy Democracy, The American Public Trust, Hannah Arendt Center at Bard College, Abundant Housing LA, and Public Access Democracy. This 90-minute online teach-in brought together advocates and experts on democratic theory and governance to introduce

What if the People Governed? How Citizens’ Assemblies Can Restore Trust in LA City Government Read More »

Guaranteeing Representation: Reimagining Community Participation through Democratic Lotteries — Webinar

In this webinar, held on November 18th, 2021, Healthy Democracy teamed up with experts from across the world to discuss lottery-selected deliberative panels. Democratic lotteries are being used around the world to guarantee diversity, representation, and inclusion of new voices in public policymaking. Watch us to learn how this popular democratic reform could help Portland

Guaranteeing Representation: Reimagining Community Participation through Democratic Lotteries — Webinar Read More »

Swiss town tests citizen panel to help voters analyse information

From The municipality of Sion in southwestern Switzerland is planning a participative democracy experiment, first tried out in the US state of Oregon, that places randomly selected locals on a citizen panel in the lead up to national referendums. Various inhabitants of the canton Valais municipality will be asked to form a citizen panel that

Swiss town tests citizen panel to help voters analyse information Read More »