In this webinar, held on November 18th, 2021, Healthy Democracy teamed up with experts from across the world to discuss lottery-selected deliberative panels. Democratic lotteries are being used around the world to guarantee diversity, representation, and inclusion of new voices in public policymaking. Watch us to learn how this popular democratic reform could help Portland and other cities reimagine civic participation to center everyday people – and hear from an international Panel of practitioners who are leading the way on municipal democratic reform. Speakers: Felipe Rey, iDeemos Laboratorio de Innovación Democrática (Bogotá, Colombia), Professor at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia, Co-founder of iDeemos Nicole Hunter, MosaicLab (Victoria, Australia) David Schecter, Democracy R&D Network (International Network) Moderators: Alex Renirie & Kacey Bull, Healthy Democracy