2018 Citizens’ Initiative Review Pilot
Healthy Democracy has partnered with the Davenport Institute at Pepperdine University to conduct the first ever statewide pilot Citizens’ Initiative Review in California, which took place in Sacramento, Sept. 27-30, 2018.
A citizen panel of 20 randomly selected and politically and demographically representative voters from across the state evaluated Proposition 10, for the purpose of determining the information California voters most need to know about the measure before they vote. They listened to testimony from the campaigns for and against the measure, as well as from independent experts. They then deliberated on what they felt constituted the strongest, most reliable, and most important facts about the measure, and they crafted a one-page statement with their findings (see below).
An archived version of the live stream of this event is available here.
Previous California Citizens’ Initiative Reviews
Healthy Democracy also partnered with the Davenport Institute to host a CIR demonstration project in 2017. This project was not an official Citizens’ Initiative Review because its citizen panel was not randomly selected or demographically representative, and it met for only three days and did not write full pro and con statements. It was intended only as an exhibition of what a Citizens’ Initiative Review in California might look like. More Information is available here.
California Citizens’ Statements
- Proposition 10 (2018)
Project Partners