Hughes Civic Assembly

Apply to become a Community Guide

Community Guides will be trained by CSU’s Center for Public Deliberation to facilitate collaborative discussions with Fort Collins community members prior to the Assembly. This community input will help determine a preferred, holistic vision for the Hughes Stadium that is likely to have broad community support. 

The Challenge

The City of Fort Collins acquired Hughes Stadium, a former football stadium owned by Colorado State University, in 2023 following a ballot measure that required the City to rezone the site as “Public Open Lands” and to attempt to acquire it for uses such as, “parks, recreation, and open lands, natural areas, and wildlife rescue and restoration.”

Throughout 2022-2023, the City conducted two community surveys about the future use of the property and a City Council work session to review the feedback and discuss next steps. However, no consensus was found and in 2024, the Fort Collins City Council voted 3-2 for the use of a Civic Assembly to help determine the future of Hughes Stadium. The Fort Collins Civic Assembly will convene in Spring of 2025 to answer the following question:

Learn More

City of Fort Collins: History of the Hughes Site

Explore the history, background, and outreach efforts behind the Hughes Stadium Site.

City of Fort Collins: Civic Assemblies

Hear from the City of Fort Collins about Civic Assemblies and the opportunities they provide.

In the News

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