2022 Petaluma Fairgrounds Advisory Panel
First-of-its-kind in California!

The Panel
Residents were invited to participate through a mailing sent to 10,000 randomly selected residential addresses. At a public Lottery Selection Event on April 13th, 2022, a 36-person Panel was selected. Out of 1,000 potential Panels generated by the open source software, Panelot, all of which were random and demographically representative, Panel number 811 was selected.
The 36 selected Panelists were chosen to reflect a microcosm of the city in terms of age, gender, race/ethnicity, geographic location of residence, experience of a disability, housing status, and educational attainment. In an effort by the City Council to prioritize equity in the selection process, the demographic targets were based on the K-12 aged population and oversampled some groups who had previously been underrepresented in City processes. For details about demographics on the Panel, including reselection for Panelists who dropped out, see the demographic profile and notes.
This process takes accessibility in public engagement to a new level. Panelists are paid a stipend, equivalent to $20 an hour, for their time participating in the process. They are provided with any accommodations they need to participate fully, such as child/elder care, transportation costs, laptops and tech support, and comprehensive language access services (interpretation and translation). While not all community members were selected to participate on the Panel, this process is part of a larger City process to engage the entire community in the visioning of the Fairgrounds.
Between mid-May to mid-July 2022, Panelists met for about 90 hours of deliberation to consider the question, “How might we use the City’s fairgrounds property to create the experiences, activities, resources, and places that our community needs and desires now and for the foreseeable future?”
With the help of professional moderators and meticulous process design, the Panel wrote three reports to help answer that question, each one building on the last (see ‘Panel Deliverables’). Each report was developed, written, and edited exclusively by Panelists themselves and delivered to the decision makers – City Council on July 11th and the 4th District Agricultural Association on July 20th.
The Panel Sessions were held in person in Petaluma from 9 am to 4:30pm on the following dates:
- May 13, 14, & 15
- June 4
- June 17, 18, & 19 – (Remote sessions due to Covid cases)
- July 2
- July 8, 9, 10, & 11
Recordings of all Panel sessions are available in perpetuity on our Youtube Channel. In an effort to balance transparency with Panelist privacy, all large group activities are live streamed while all small group activities are not. For more information, see our Transparency & Privacy Policy.
After the Panel made its recommendations to decision makers in July 2022, Panelists were funded for an additional 15 hours with compensation to continue to engage with the community and decision makers about their recommendations. Throughout the summer of 2022, those four subcommittees met with community organizations and city staff, spoke with the media, evaluated the Panel process, and hosted a charrette-style workshop with local architects to visualize the site use plans in their final report. To learn more about this, go to our FAQ section.
Community Survey Results
The Evaluation Subcommittee of the PFAP surveyed 226 community members regarding the outcomes & impact of the Panel. Most respondents understood the nature of a lottery system for choosing the panelists; 39% were aware of the Panel’s recommendations for the Fairgrounds.

The Evaluation Subcommittee also asked how community members felt about using this kind of model in the future. 61% of respondents felt the City Council should use more advisory panels in decision making.

Panel Deliverables
A prioritized list of overarching values, decision-making criteria, key interests, and important activities that any final recommendation should take into consideration. Click here to see the Principles Report (English / Spanish)
An outline of the possibilities and visions for the Fairgrounds site, including options considered and rationales based on lived experience and outside evidence. Click here to see the Pathways Report (English / Spanish)
Final Report
The Panel’s final recommendations, including preferred Fairgrounds land use(s) and rationales, dissenting opinions, and supporting details. Click here to see the Final Report (English / Spanish)
Email Sign up
Informational Advisory Committee (IAC)
These panels differ from traditional advisory boards in that they engage new voices – those who aren’t usually involved in public decision making – and they give Panelists significant time to learn about the topic before forming recommendations. The Informational Advisory Committee is made up of stakeholders who will support the Panel in that information gathering effort. The IAC’s primary role is to curate quality, balanced information for the Panel. The IAC will meet weekly during April and May. Healthy Democracy is currently coordinating with organizations who were nominated for the IAC. See below for more information about the IAC.
The IAC has wrapped up their primary role in the Advisory Panel process. IAC members will meet one final time on July 25th to debrief the full process. Thanks to IAC members’ generous contributions, the Panel has been presented with high quality, balanced information.
Petaluma Fairgrounds Advisory Panel Session Materials
July 8, 9, 10, & 11th
- Public Agenda July 8th
- Public Agenda July 9th
- Public Agenda July 10th
- Public Agenda July 11th
July, 2nd
June 17, 18, 19th
- Public Agenda
- Presenter Schedule
- Equity Survey
- Equity Survey Word Clouds
Presenters: Videos and Slides
- Peggy Flynn, Mayor, City of Petaluma
- Mike Parks, Board member, 4th District Agricultural Association
- Carl Elefante, Quinn Evans Architects / American Institute of Architects
- Kristie Hubacker, 4th DAA, Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds CEO
- Jeff Schach, City of Petaluma Fire Chief
- Eric Danley, City of Petaluma City Attorney
- Ken Savano, City of Petaluma Police Chief
- Andrew Trippel, City of Petaluma Planning Manager
- Allison Keaney, Formerly 4th DAA, Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds / Currently Cloverdale Citrus Fair
- Brian Sobel, Formerly Petaluma City Council / Formerly Sonoma-Marin Fair Board
June 4th
- Public Agenda (English / Spanish)
- Healthy Democracy Session 4 Presentation (English / Spanish)
- Community Exchange Panelist Presentation (English / Spanish)
- Community Exchange Public Presentation (English / Spanish
- Panelist Vote – Presenter Selection
- Community Exchange Graphic Recording
- Principles and Options Presentation
May 13, 14, 15th
General Materials
- Public Agenda
- Day 1 Recording (English / Spanish)
- Day 2 Recording (English / Spanish)
- Day 3 Recording (English / Spanish)
- Panelist Vote – Presenter Selection
Panelist Binder Materials
- Welcome Packet (English / Spanish)
- Interpreter Tips (English / Spanish)
- Executive Summary & Decision Making Context (English / Spanish)
- City Briefing Materials (English / Spanish)
- Fair Briefing Materials (English / Spanish)
- Stakeholder Statements (English / Spanish)
- Presenter Menu (English / Spanish)
Stakeholders: Videos
- Ann Edminster, Climate Action Petaluma
- Kristie Hubacker, CEO of the Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds and Event Center
- Katherine Lundy, Liberty School District Center
- Diana Spaulding, branch manager of the Petaluma Regional Library
- Jerry Wilkinson, Petaluma Wheelmen Cycling Club
- Kimberly Arntz, Petaluma High School Agriculture Dept. / Petaluma FFA
Presenters: Videos and Slides
- Matt Sharkey, Petaluma Fairgrounds Speedway Designated Spokesperson
- Christopher Godley, Sonoma County Office of Emergency Services
- Kelly Smith, Farmer’s Market
- Felix Ortiz, Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
- Teddy Herzog, Safe Streets
- Elece Hempel, Petaluma People Services Center
- Dave Alden, Urban Chat / Know Before You Grow
- Seair Lorentz, Petaluma River Park Foundation
- Matt Maguire, Mid-Town Neighborhood Leader
- Moira Sullivan, Local Advocate / California EPA
- Dan Bleakney, Daily Acts / Jupiter Foods
- Jessica Umphress, Live Oak Charter School
- Anthony Franklin, Petaluma Blacks for Community Development
Public Meetings
- July 11, 2022 Meeting of The Petaluma City Council/Petaluma Community Development Successor Agency
- February 23, 2022 Regular Meeting Of The City Council/Petaluma Community Development Successor Agency
- Healthy Democracy’s Presentation
- January 18, 2022 Special Meeting of the Petaluma City Council and Fair Board Subcommittees
Documents Requested by Panel
- City of Petaluma Community Socioeconomic Profile 210709
- Petaluma River Park – Plan
- City of Petaluma General Plan 2025
- Final Sonoma-Marin Fairgrounds Assessment Report 091615
- 1973 Lease (between City & 4thDAA)
- City Of Petaluma Emergency Assessment Report 091615
- Hwy 101 Widening Environmental Impact Report & Statement
- Know Before You Grow
Documents Release Mid-Process
- Fairgrounds Environmental Site Analysis (prepared for the City of Petaluma)
- Fairgrounds Facility Condition Assessment (prepared for the City of Petaluma)
- Fairgrounds Historic Resources Documentation (prepared for the City of Petaluma)
- Group Agreements (English / Spanish)
- May 3rd Reelection 1,000 Panels
- Petaluma Panel Demographic Profile & Notes
- City of Petaluma / Healthy Democracy Contract (English / Spanish)
- Petaluma Invitation Mailer
Informational Advisory Committee
IAC Meeting 6 Materials
IAC Meeting 5 Materials
IAC Meeting 4 Materials
IAC Meeting 3 Materials
IAC Meeting 2 Materials
IAC Meeting 1 Materials
IAC Background Documents

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